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The Arrival of the Magyars in Pannonia (AD 894)

(Árpád, Founder of Hungary)

Árpád points towards Pannonia: This is our Home!

Svatopluk, the Chief of Slavs, bows to Árpád. According to legend, a white horse with golden harness was presented to Svatopluk. In exchange, Árpád received a bucket of water from the Danube, a piece of land and a tuft of green grass symbolising Pannonia. Thus Pannonia belonged to Árpád and his people.
The white horse given to Svartopluk by Árpád.

Árpád with the Turul Bird, the protector of the Hungarians.

Árpád´s residence in Asia
Sumeric Architecture
An illustrated model of Árpád´s palace.
Árpád´s palace resembled a symbolic hourglass. When Árpád ruled over the Hungarians he was a heathen Prince, the Hungarians were heathens as well. In those days, Hungary was a united nation. When the hourglass turned over, Hungary became a Christian nation under Saint Stephan. The pictures above illustrate Árpád´s castles in Asia.

Song: Emöke Kemény, Music: Emöke Kemény, Lyrics: Josef Kemény, Producer: Josef Kemény
Recorded in 1992 Stockholm, © Copyright

The arrival of the Huns in Europe
Attila the Great, King of Huns
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