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Attila, King of the Huns (AD 434-453)

(The Greatest Statesman Ever in Europe!)

Attila=The Little Father

Lower Pannonia, situated between the rivers The Danube/Duna and Tisza, in the area of Tokaj, was the Garden of Eden for the Huns. Attila on the throne of the Huns.

Attila´s kingdom and residence in Europe

Sumeric Architecture
An illustrated model of Attila´s castle.
Attila´s remarkable castle was even the a masterpiece. The architecture and construction technology were at the top of world know-how. The above model illustrates Attila´s castle/royal palace. The Huns used Asian as well as Sumeric architecture. One example was Attila´s palace in Tokaj. It stood on a hill and around the palace Attila built his town with small houses and tents.

Song: Emöke Kemény, Music: Emöke Kemény, Lyrics: Josef Kemény, Producer: Josef Kemény
Recorded in 1992 Stockholm, © Copyright

The arrival of the Huns in Europe
Árpád, Founder of Hungary
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